The regularly scheduled United I.S.D. Board of Trustee Meeting held on June 17, 2014 yielded some much anticipated news with the announcement of the groundbreaking for the construction of UISD’s 27th elementary campus. The campus will be located just south of Lamar Bruni Vergara Middle School in the Cielito Lindo Subdivision at 5900 St. Luke and will accommodate a total of 968 students. Moreover, the new elementary campus will provide relief for burgeoning student populations at Perez, Roosevelt, Centeno, and Prada Elementary Schools. The project contractor is Leyendecker Construction Inc., and the architects are JHS Architects and Metaform Studio Architects, Inc. The campus will feature a new prototype design that will include: 16 Pre- Kinder and Kinder classrooms, 28 regular classrooms, a music room, 2 Special Education classrooms, 2 computer labs, and a multi-purpose classroom. Support areas will include a cafeteria that seats 336 students, a library, gymnasium, two fully covered playground equipment areas, a paved interior courtyard, and a fully irrigated playground and practice fields, kitchen, nurse’s station (with clinic area), student and staff restrooms, and an Administrative office area.
The new campus will also house a fully equipped Science classroom.
Additionally, the campus’ main entrance design will have a covered canopy that defines the campus entry and a security station which will house a security officer to control all access into the campus.
The exterior brick wall will allow for accent and pattern designs which will create and accentuate campus identity. A colored metal roof will complement the overall building color scheme. The exterior school design includes a covered amphitheater/classroom for instructional purposes. All exterior walls will include brick veneer and interior walls will consist of reinforced masonry partitions for durability and low-maintenance cost. The building design will also incorporate and feature energy management systems with fully automated air conditioning, heating and ventilation systems, ensuring that the operation of the school be energy efficient. All exterior lighting will include state of the art LED lighting systems. The projected completion date for the new elementary campus is August 2015.